News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Some time ago, we held a competition in which readers were invited to suggest a new name for the newsletter. The winning suggestion was “Light of Love”, and the person who made the suggestion was Chelene Groube from Queensland, Australia. Congratulations, Chelene, on your winning entry. You will soon be the happy recipient of a CD of beautiful Sahaja music.

We chose “Light of Love” because it aptly and beautifully sums up the concept that Love has the power to enlighten our beings and bring about beneficial change in our environments.

If you have any comments about our new name, please share them with us. The newsletter has now been in operation for more than six months, and we always welcome feedback from our readers out there in Cyberland. Keep your comments flowing in! We also welcome suggestions regarding the types of items that you would like to see included in the newsletter. 

Please take the time to drop us a line. We would love to hear from you.

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