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Shri Mataji

Such a tremendous power, so alert, so affectionate, so kind is there – and a Mother, who is your teacher. Mother teaches children with love.

Not only that, but you never even felt how I taught you Sahaja Yoga. You just learnt it like that. It’s a child’s play for you. It’s such a difficult and subtle subject. You picked it up without any difficulties. So artfully it was done. Beautifully it was done, built within you.

Now you know, “This is Sahaja Yoga; this is not Sahaja Yoga.”

All this knowledge came to you so sweetly.

Shri Mataji, 23 September 1990, Geneva, Switzerland

The Search for the Divine MotherA heart is healthy not only if it gives but also if it receives. If for some reasons it cannot, then it aches and can make the whole body and the whole being become sick. It hurts because we are human beings. So whatever affects the heart can have an enormous impact on our moods and personality, on our physical health and spiritual wellbeing.

As Sahaj yogis, even if we are dealing with difficult people or difficult situations, our heart can ascend to a higher level. After Self-realisation, our enlightened attention can take us through the reactions of ego and super ego and rise to Sahasrara. Thus we enter a new and higher realm of pure forgiveness and of pure love, in which the heart can expand and let the vibrations flow both ways to the whole (also called Heaven on Earth).

After realisation, we are all walking on that path and our Kundalini (our inner spiritual Mother) is pushing us to grow and ascend as much as She can, and as much as we accept to face ourselves.

The tendency in this modern world is to make brain our God and believe that everything can be explained. But brain cannot explain heart. Being ourselves so small, how can we even think of trying, even more when it comes to our inner spiritual Mother’s Heart?

How can we explain the love that a normal human mother’s heart can have for her child or children? Where is it coming from? That love is so powerful, it can move mountains if it has to; it can fight to death if it has to. It can protect, heal, comfort but also correct, guide, strengthen. There is no end to what it can give and do. But this love (present in all of us) can become sick and tired if it is not allowed or not in a position to give or receive. Both movements of giving and receiving are essential for a heart to be healthy, to remain strong so that this Love can flow freely and without effort.

Raising our heart beyond brain is like freeing ourselves from all these entanglements that can be so overwhelming in life. It is the expansion of our small heart to a higher dimension, a higher Heart that encompasses and cares for the Whole world.

Our Heart belongs to Thee, our Heart belongs to our higher spiritual Mother (both ways), if we let it.

Meenakshi Pujari

(Photograph: www.

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