Meditation Webcasts
Meditation webcasts on YouTube
Live & recorded sessions
These videos provide an excellent introduction to Sahaja Yoga meditation and include in-depth guided meditations with clearing and balancing instructions.

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Recordings of our webcast are below or you can follow one of the meditation formats below …it only takes a few minutes and really works! Note: If you have a slow internet connection or access to videos and audios is blocked at your location then use the Silent Meditation option.
More about the webcasts and podcasts
These sessions
These videos provide an excellent introduction to Sahaja Yoga meditation and cover the Subtle system which is comprised of the seven main Chakras (energy centres) and the three Nadis (energy channels). All webcasts include guided collective meditations. The videos include talks by Shri Mataji (founder) where she presents her philosophy and teachings of her meditation and the spiritual nature of human beings. In-depth guided meditations with clearing and balancing instructions are also included.
The meditation is based on connecting with our inner chakras (energy centres) and balancing our subtle body. The tradition and aims of meditation are explained which is to be in the present with no mental thoughts of the past or future. Short guided meditations with affirmations are used to clear and balance the subtle body to enable the silence of meditation. During the meditation, participants can sit on a chair (with shoes removed to connect with the mother earth), or on the floor, with hands on their laps.
Audio podcasts
We also have audio podcasts with guided meditations, talks, music & poetry to experience the peace of true meditation. Go to
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Recorded webcasts
Recordings of our previous webcasts are below.
FOOTSOAK & ICE PACK | Sunday 8th November 2020 7PM (Sydney time)
Step-up Series Part 7: NABHI - Centre of Satisfaction | Thursday 17 Sept 2020, 7PM (Sydney time)
STRESS OF STUDY AND EXAMS | Sunday 20 Sept 2020, 7PM (Sydney time)