Meditation & Music coming to Wyndham Vale (near Melbourne)

 Discover the Joy Within through Meditation & Music ‘There can be no peace in the world until there is peace within’ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – founder Sunday 12th July, 2015 2.00pm to 3.30pm Iramoo Community Centre 84 Honour Ave, Wyndham Vale (Google map) Our meditation and music team will…

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Canberra June Meditation Workshop

Canberra Meditation Workshop Saturday 27th June, 5pm to 7pm easy to learn • more peace • less stress You are invited to a workshop meditation program to help you achieve a deeper meditation experience with a larger group of regular meditators. The program will include clearing techniques using various elements…

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Wamuran June Meditation Workshop (60mins north of Brisbane)

Meditation Workshop Sunday 28th June, 10am to 2pm Includes balancing, clearing techniques, in-depth knowledge of chakras and live music Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre 95 McClintock Road, Wamuran Queensland (60mins north of Brisbane) You are invited to this meditation workshop to help you grow deeper in your meditation experience and to…

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Evening of Music & Meditation in Epping (Sydney)

Evening of Music & Meditation coming to Epping in Sydney Tuesday 30th June, 2015 Our Music of Joy group and meditation team will be in Epping to share their unique music and meditation with the local community. EVENT An evening of Music & Meditation with Music of Joy… Tuesday 30th…

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